Strengths Based Programs & Workshops
Maximise the performance & potential of your employees
Do you want more engaged, satisfied & productive employees?
Are you keen to better understand your team’s underlying strengths? Or increase awareness around individual differences in a positive way? Or have the team come together, connect, and get to know other?
If so, read more to learn about my strengths-based programs and workshops, facilitated by a registered psychologist with a Masters in Organisational Psychology (me!)
What are 'strengths' exactly?
Strengths are defined as those things we “perform well at, find energising, and do frequently”.
They are said to represent the way our brains are ‘wired’ to perform at their best, and the things we are intrinsically motivated to do.
When using their unique strengths, employees often feel more energised, satisfied and alive. They feel as though they are doing things that ‘light them up’, rather than feeling drained or overwhelmed.
Why focus on strengths?
The answer is pretty simple. A growing body of research in the field of positive psychology suggests that providing employees with opportunities to regularly use and develop their strengths results in a number of benefits – for both individuals and the business.
These include higher levels of engagement, motivation, productivity, and well-being, and lower levels of turnover and stress.
In fact, more and more organisations are recognising the value associated with helping people to do more of those things they are already good at and enjoy – rather than continually focusing on addressing or developing areas of ‘weakness’.
Indeed, it is commonly stated that employees are the greatest asset of any organisation. However, this is only true of those who are fully engaged and productive, and effectively utilising ALL of their talents and skills.
Benefits of Regular Strengths Use
Research reflects a number of significant benefits that can be gained from individuals identifying, understanding and regularly using their key strengths.
Increased levels of confidence & self-efficacy
Higher engagement & retention levels, greater purpose
Reduced stress & anxiety, more positive emotions
Greater productivity & customer satisfaction
Our Strengths Based Programs
We provide facilitated strengths assessments and workshops for teams, groups and organisations who want support in identifying and exploring their individual and collective strengths.
Our sessions are all facilitated by registered psychologists who hold certification in the relevant strengths assessments and tools, as well as significant experience in a range of other leadership capability and development programs.
If you are interested in learning more about using strengths to more effectively utilise the potential of your people, feel free to reach out.
“Your strengths represent the way your brain is wired to perform at its best.”
— Buckingham & Clifton, 2001
About your Facilitator
Our Strengths Programs and workshops are facilitated by Leisa Molloy, a registered and endorsed Organisational Psychologist with Masters qualifications and almost 20 years of experience. Leisa also has formal accreditation in various strengths tools, as well as many years of experience in debriefing assessments, supporting individual and leadership growth & capability, and facilitating workshops and sessions. Leisa regularly uses the Strengths Profile and Via Character Strengths tools in her work with clients.
Sometimes a member of Leisa’s support team lends a helping hand with strengths projects and workshops that involve bigger groups.